the emperor’s new blurbs

a  while back I was browsing the new york times book review when my eyes landed on an advertisement for a non-fiction book that I'd recently read.  the book had been given to me by a friend--who had read it and loved it--and was about people living in a country half a...

writing what you know . . . and what you don’t

it seems obvious that one should write what one knows.  a gardener will write a better gardening book than I; a fly fisherman is going to write a better book about flies and ties and rivers than one who doesn't fish.  not only will a writer spend less time researching...

speaking of what’s on my bookshelf . . .

most books I read never make it to my bookshelf. only books I love make it to my bookshelf. it's partially a financial decision (I read so many books a month I'd have to sacrifice eating or something equally painful to pay for them all), partially a space decision...


I've done a lot of waiting in my life.  in fact, I've become good at it.  I am patient.  I can out-wait a rainstorm, a winter storm, a teenager's tantrum, my children's father's poorly-compensated job.  an infected cut that resists healing, a lacrosse game played in a...

the sunday new york times

john receives the big, fat new york times, delivered to our doorstep bright and early each sunday.  six or seven weeks ago he handed the book review section to me, suggesting I might want to read a review written by an author whose work I like.  I perused it quickly,...

being a poem

david carradine is quoted as saying if you cannot be a poet, be the poem. ah!  I want to be a poem. full of grace and rhythm and words, amazing and beautiful and strange and lyrical words. living a life that says something, makes a statement, causes others to ponder...

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