I love these books. images of their covers are banked in my memory, and they each engaged me so deeply that I lost myself in their stories. I cried, I wanted to meet their characters and converse with them. or just be in their presence. I am so grateful to each of these authors for creating a world in which I lived, vividly and wholeheartedly, for a magical length of time. these books are not ordered, because each is fabulously unique and ultimately, incomparable.


the history of love, nicole krauss. I fell so deeply in love with leo, an elderly jewish man, and his generous heart, I could barely stand to let the book end. and yet.

the poisonwood bible, barbara kingsolver. kingsolver introduced me to a world I didn’t know–the congo–and a family so extraordinary, all the while lulling me with such beautiful prose I never wanted to set the book down.

cutting for stone, abraham verghese. my heart broke again and again, yet following the tale of marion stone’s history and journey kept me completely spellbound.

the dog stars, peter heller. oh, so spare and beautiful. I cried, I believed, I closed the book reconsidering what a purposeful life might truly look like.

the time traveler’s wife, audrey niffenegger. henry and clare live on my bookshelf, barely contained in the pages, and have even seeped into my being. an amazing, intricately woven love story across tangible and intangible boundaries. just wow.


please comment with your own best-ever books! I am always looking for more books for my stack.