like millions of other humans, I am curious about how to be in this world. how to balance my wants/needs/desires with those of the greater community, how to find my own “happy place,” how to accept things I don’t really wish to accept.  over the years, I’ve read many books written by masters, by students, by yogis and wise ones and commonplace folk. in each I found something, but in those listed below, enough welled up to place the book on this list.


the four agreements, don miguel ruiz.  everyone should read this book, and work to live by these agreements. everyone. I work, daily, toward better living them.

the alchemist, paulo coelho. I have read this at least a half dozen times, and each experience is as heartful as the first. be true to yourself.

the tao of pooh, benjamin huff. that is one wise bear, with a lovely sense of humor.

true love: a practice for awakening the heart, thich nhat hanh. everything this vietnamese zen buddhist writes is geared toward inner–and thus outer–peace.

traveling light: releasing the burdens you were never meant to bear, max lucado. lucado is a master teacher, and reading him helps me refine and re-find me.

I’d love to know what’s on your list ~ the only way we expand ourselves is through experience with other.